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Stefan Ram
Python Course

Foundations of Programming with the Python  Programming Language (Python  Course)
Course Python 0


Chapter 0 Getting Started

Section 0 Introduction 

>724573 Preliminaries
first gear
→ This workshop will start at the pace of a normal adult education course for participants with no previous knowledge.

Section 1 Programs 

>724681 Lesson 0.1.0. Basic terms of programming
>724570 Lesson 0.1.0. Programming Languages
>724577 Lesson 0.1.1. Libraries
>724575 Lesson 0.1.2. Incarnations

Section 2 Python 

>724599 Lesson 0.2.0. Python  as a Programming Language
>724601 Lesson 0.2.1. Python 's Standard Implementation
>724603 Lesson 0.2.2. Fundamental Resources for Learning Python 

Section 3 Windows 

This course is suitable for every operating systems. However, this chapter contains some hints that are specifically aimed at Windows  users. If you are using a different operating system, skip this chapter and follow the installation and startup instructions of the Python  implementation you are using.

>724615 Lesson W-0 ℋ  – The Enter Key
>724618 Lesson W-1 ℋ   ▲  – The Cursor Keys
>724619 Lesson W-2 ℋ Ctrl-V“ – Designations for Keyboard Operations
>724630 Lesson W-3 ℋ Ctrl-A“ – Selected Key Combinations
>724631 Lesson W-4 ℋ Python 3.9 (64-bit) “ – Starting the Python  Console on Windows 
>724634 Lesson W-5 ℋ  The settings of the console for the clipboard of Windows 
>724655 Lesson W-6 QuickEdit  mode

Note to the instructor  ► (see german-language course for more lessons in this chapter)

Section 4 Using the Python  interpreter

Note to the instructor  ► Using the Python interpreter in the Windows console ("Hello, world!"/music)


Chapter 1 Evaluations

>724604 Lesson 1.0. Expressions in Python 
>724605 Lesson 1.1. Objects in Python 
>724606 Lesson 1.2. Evaluations in Python 
>724607 Lesson 1.3. Text representations of Python  objects
Evaluation of an expression with subsequent text representation of the object obtained
                     evaluation           text representation
expression --------------------> object ---------------------> text representation

Chapter 2 Railroad Diagrams

>724609 Lesson 2.0. q »( A )« – Terminals
>724610 Lesson 2.1. Categories
>724616 Lesson 2.2. q »| A |« – Non-Terminals
>724641 Lesson 2.3. q »| a character |« – Vague categories
>724620 Lesson 2.4. Branchings

Chapter 3 Accelerated Lessons

second gear
→ We now shift into second gear, where whole chapters  from the German language course are represented by a single lesson.
(It would be more learner-friendly to stay in first gear, but the time for this workshop and its preparation was limited.)
The lessons are less transparent now because each lesson contains more material which is not visible on this main page.
When the implications are obvious, code examples now might be given without further commentary.
“A higher speed is definitely desired.
Many participants are familiar with R, so they already have basic knowledge of programming.”
>724621 Lesson 3.0. Literals in Python 
>724622 Lesson 3.1. Data Types in Python 
>724623 Lesson 3.2. Operators in Python 
>724624 Lesson 3.3. Names in Python 
>724625 Lesson 3.4. Calls in Python 
>724632 Lesson 3.5. Arguments in Python 
>724633 Lesson 3.6. Parameters in Python 
>724635 Lesson 3.7. Additional types of arguments in Python 
>724666 Lesson 3.8. Abbreviations and more types of literals in Python 

Course Python 1

An advanced beginner's course with exercises and at a reasonable pace would take much more time than we have here, so, for now, this part is given too fast  and without any exercises. But maybe it can give you some inspiration for self-study after the end of this course?

third gear
>724591 Supplements

Course Application

>724659 Finding texts
fourth gear
>724594 Applications


Part 0 NLTK 

>724662 Installation of NLTK 


>724578 Terms
>722396 Classroom English
>724060 English-Language Resources for Python 
>724629 Sources for linguistic analyses


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Copyright 1998-2020 Stefan Ram, Berlin. All rights reserved. This page is a publication by Stefan Ram.