Additional types of arguments in Python (Additional types of arguments in Python), lesson, page 724635 (permalink) is the canonical URI of this page.
Stefan Ram
Python Course

Additional types of arguments in Python 

Calls with multiple arguments

12 + 7
Console transcript

from operator import add

add( 12, 7 )

Call (simplified)
expression                    .-----------------------------.
.------------. .-. | .------------. v .-.
--->| expression |--->( ( )---'---.--->| expression |---.---'--->( ) )--->
'------------' '-' ^ '------------' | '-'
| .-. |
'--------( , )--------'

Non-syntactical Requirements

The called object must be an object that can be called with the given number of arguments.


Each argument is evaluated in turn and the the callee is called with the argument values.


The number of parameters corresponds to the number of arguments. Please ignore », /« below.

Console transcript (Python  3.7.0, alpha)

from operator import add

help( add )

Help on built-in function add in module _operator:


add(a, b) -- Same as a + b.

Console transcript (Python  3.7.0)

from operator import add

help( add )

Help on built-in function add in module _operator:

add(a, b, /)

Same as a + b.

Multiple print arguments

The arguments of ›print‹ are printed separated by a space.

Console transcript
print( 'abc', 'def' )
abc def
Console transcript
print( 'a', 1, True, None, -56 )
a 1 True None -56

Documentation of ›print

Console transcript (simplified)
help( print )
print( value, ... )

The ellipsis »« denotes an arbitrary number of arguments corresponding to the single parameter »value«.

The equals sign »=« and brackets (»[« and »]«) in the documentation

A default value of a parameter is a value that is taken as an argument value if no argument expression is specified for that parameter.

In case of the documentation of the function »log« from the module »math«, for example, the default value »math.e« is associated to the parameter »base«. This shows that the argument for this parameter is optional.

Documentation of the log function from the math module
log(x, [base=math.e])
Console transcript

from math import log

from math import e

log( e * e, e )

log( e * e )
log( 3 * 3 * 3 * 3, 3 )

Rule for exercises

From now on, all predefined names from the standard library may be used in solutions of exercises, if not stated otherwise in the task definition.


Note to the instructor  ► winsound follows

/   Exercise

Write a from import and a call to the function from the »math« module, the documentation of which is given below.

documentation (reworked)
pow( x, y, / )
x raised to the power of y

This task is considered correctly solved if the call to the function written can be evaluated by a Python  implementation without error message.

/   Exercise ⃖

Try to output a sound using the module »winsound« (if you work with Windows ).

If you do not  work with Windows, you might try to output a sound using Python, but this could be much harder.

Keyword arguments

int( "20", 16 )
int( "20", base=16 )

»base=16« is a keyword argument.

Console transcript (simplified)
help( int )
int(x, base=10)

Keyword argument often cannot be used in calls of functions that were written in C  (“built-in functions ”).

Wenn in der Dokumentation „eingebaut“ (»built-in«) fehlt, wurde die Funktion in Python  programmiert. Dann können Kennwortargumente für alle Argumente verwendet werden.

The slash »/«

Parameters preceding a slash »/« in the documentation are positional-only parameters. Keyword arguments cannot be used for them.

Console transcript

from math import sin

help( sin )

Help on built-in function sin in module math:

sin(x, /)

Return the sine of x (measured in radians).

sin( x=2 )
TypeError: sin() takes no keyword arguments

Keyword-only parameters

Some parameters take an arbitrary number of arguments, such as the value parameter of »print«. Keyword parameters following such parameters are keyword-only parameters, they must be used with keywords.

Console transcript
help( print )
Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

print(value, ..., sep=' ', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
Optional keyword arguments:
file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.

In a call keyword arguments always follow positional arguments (arguments without a keyword).


Console transcript
print( 'a', 1, True, None, -56, sep=', ' )
a, 1, True, None, -56
Console transcript
print( 'a', 1, True, None, -56, sep='\n' )

»sep« defaults to a space » «.

Console transcript
print( 2, 2 )
2 2
Console transcript
print( 2, 2, sep=" " )
2 2



Console transcript
sorted( dir() )
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']
sorted( dir(), True )
TypeError: sorted expected 1 argument, got 2
sorted( dir(), reverse=True )
['__spec__', '__package__', '__name__', '__loader__', '__doc__', '__builtins__', '__annotations__']


The keyword-only parameter »key« accepts a function by whose value the sorting is done.

Console transcript
sorted( dir() )
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']
sorted( dir(), key=len )
['__doc__', '__name__', '__spec__', '__loader__', '__package__', '__builtins__', '__annotations__']
sorted( dir(), key=len, reverse=True )
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__spec__', '__doc__']
sorted( dir(), key=lambda x: len( x ))
['__doc__', '__name__', '__spec__', '__loader__', '__package__', '__builtins__', '__annotations__']
sorted( dir(), key=lambda x: -len( x ))
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__spec__', '__doc__']
sorted( dir(), key=lambda x: x )
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']

from random import random

sorted( dir(), key=lambda x: random() )

['__spec__', 'random', '__name__', '__loader__', '__doc__', '__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__package__']
sorted( dir(), key=lambda x: random() )
['__annotations__', '__package__', '__name__', '__spec__', '__doc__', '__builtins__', 'random', '__loader__']


Two asterisk »**« indicate an arbitrary number of arguments with arbitrary keywords.

Transcript (shortened)
dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

In this way we can create custom dictionaries.

Console transcript
dict( a=1 )
{'a': 1}
dict( a=1, b=2 )
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}


The eval function determines the value of an expression passed as a string.

Console transcript

from math import pi

eval( "1 + pi" )


It also can use a dictionary to specify values of names.

Console transcript
dict( a=1, b=2 )
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
eval( "a + b", _ )
Console transcript
eval( "a + b", dict( a=1, b=2 ))
Console transcript
eval( "dir()", dict( a=1, b=2 ))
['__builtins__', 'a', 'b']

Practice questions ⃖

When answering, please spell out every character!

?   Practice question ⃖

What output does the execution of the following statement produce?


?   Practice question ⃖

What output does the execution of the following statement produce?

print( ' ' )

?   Practice question ⃖

What output does the execution of the following statement produce?

print( ' ', sep=',' )

?   Practice question ⃖

What output does the execution of the following statement produce?

print( ',',',', sep=',' )


»bool« is a subclass of »int«. We now also can confirm this using a call.

1 + True
<built-in function issubclass>
issubclass( bool, int )
issubclass( int, bool )

An indentation error is a kind of syntax error.

issubclass( IndentationError, SyntaxError )

Mapping callables to iterables

Using »map« a callable can be applied to any value yielded by an iterable. The ₍rɪˈzʌlt₎ result is then an iterable yielding the results of the applications (in the order that corresponds to the order of the original values).

In the following example we apply »sqrt« to each value yielded by »range( 3 )«.

Console transcript
range( 3 )
range(0, 3)
tuple( _ )
(0, 1, 2)

from math import sqrt # Quadratwurzel

map( sqrt, _ )

<map object at 0x00000000023FD460>
tuple( _ )
(0.0, 1.0, 1.4142135623730951)
Console transcript

from math import sqrt # Quadratwurzel

tuple( map( sqrt, range( 3 )))

(0.0, 1.0, 1.4142135623730951)

In the following example we apply »lambda i: i*i« to each value of »range( 10 )«.

Console transcript
tuple( map( lambda i: i*i, range( 10 )))
(0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81)

To save time, »map« initially only returns an object that contains the results in descriptive form, without the expressions necessarily having actually been executed.

The following example shows that the expressions are evaluated only when they are really needed, for example, when the result is manifested as a tuple.

Console transcript
map( print, dir() )
<map object at 0x0000000001D5AA00>
tuple( _ )


(None, None, None, None, None, None, None)

This also provides us with another possibility to output lists clearly arranged line by line!

A little later we will see how the output of the tuple ›(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)‹, which is of no interest to us, can be suppressed.

The following program applies the lambda function to each line entered. To terminate the input, Ctrl-Z is entered under Windows  and Ctrl-D under Unix -like operating systems.

Console transcript
list( map( lambda x: print( pow( int( x ), 2 )), stdin ))
[None, None]

A little later we will see how the output of the list ›[None, None])‹, which is of no interest to us, can be suppressed.


/   Exercise

Warning The computer may become unresponsive if you make errors while trying to get this exercise done. It is important that the tuple is slowed down by the invocations of the print function so that the program can be aborted in time. If in doubt, use a web development environment for this exercise!

The call to »count« from the module »itertools« results in an iterable with all  natural numbers in ascending order. Use ›tuple‹, ›map‹ and ›print‹ to output them! (This works as just shown for «dir()».)

Start of the expected output

The evaluation causes a fast output of numbers that does not end by itself (an “endless loop”). Normally, however, the output can be stopped in time before the tuple becomes so large that the computer becomes unresponsive.

range objects with a start value

»range( start, top )« expresses a range object for the range of integral numbers starting at start «start» and up to – but excluding – «top».

tuple( range( -3, 3 ))
(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
tuple( range( 3, -3 ))
len( range( 3, -3 ))
tuple( range( 3, 3 ))

range objects with a step value

»range( start, top, step )« expresses a range object for the range of integral numbers starting at start «start», up to – but excluding – «top», and with a step width of «step».

tuple( range( 0, 10, 3 ))
(0, 3, 6, 9)
len( range( 0, 10, 3 ))
tuple( range( 10, 0, -1 ))
(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
sorted( range( 10, 0, -1 ))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


Attributes in Python 

This section currently serves mainly as an outlook. Attribute accesses are rarely used in the further progress of this basic course and will only be taken up again and dealt with in more detail in the advanced course.

An object can contain attributes.

Each attribute is identified by its name and is bound to an object.

The names of the attributes of an object can be viewed using ›dir‹.

Console transcript

import math

dir( math )

[… 'floor' … 'pi' … ]

Does the object »math« have an attribute »pi«?

hasattr( math, 'pi' )

What is the object of the math attribute »pi«?

getattr( math, 'pi' )

N.B.: »pi« was not imported.

Console transcript
NameError: name 'pi' is not defined

Call to the function »floor«, which in turn is expressed by a call to »getattr«.

Console transcript
getattr( math, 'floor' )
<built-in function floor>
_( 22.7 )
getattr( math, 'floor' )( 22.7 )

Call to a method of an str object.

dir( 'abc' )
 'capitalize'  ]

So there is an attribute »capitalize« within the str object!

getattr( 'abc', 'capitalize' )
<built-in method capitalize of str object …>

So the value of this attribute is a method! – A method  is a callable!

So let's call it:


With a single evaluation:

getattr( 'abc', 'capitalize' )()

Items in Python 

This section also should be seen as an outlook, since in the basic course items are rarely used at present.

Besides attributes, an object can also contain items.

While the meaning of some attributes  can be given by Python  or its standard libraries, entries  can be used more freely by their respective objects.

In the case of strings, items map numbers to the characters at the position given by the number.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( 'abc', 0 )

getitem( 'abc', 3 )
IndexError: string index out of range
getitem( 'abc', 2 )
getitem( 'abc', 1 )
len( 'abc' )

If an object supports »len« and »getitem«, on says it supports the sequence protocol. We might say that it is a sequence.

str objects do support the sequence protocol, int objects don't.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( 0, 0 )

TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable
len( 0 )
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

»math« also supports »len« and »getitem«.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

import math

len( dir( math ))

getitem( dir( math ), 26 )


If a sequence is iterable, the item at position 0 usually is the same object as the first object yielded by an iterator for the sequence.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

next( iter( "xyzzy" ))

getitem( "xyzzy", 0 )
Console transcript

from operator import getitem


['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']


next( iter( dir() ))
getitem( dir(), 0 )


The individual items of a counter object can be retrieved using »getitem«.

Console transcript

from collections import Counter

Counter( "beispielsweise" )

Counter({'e': 4, 'i': 3, 's': 3, 'b': 1, 'p': 1, 'l': 1, 'w': 1})

from operator import getitem

print( getitem( _, "e" ))

print( getitem( _, "i" ))
print( getitem( _, "w" ))


The individual entries of a dictionary can be retrieved with »getitem«.

Console transcript
dict( a=1, x="c" )
{'a': 1, 'x': 'c'}

from operator import getitem

getitem( _, "x" )

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( dict( a=1, x="c" ), "x" )



The individual entries of a tuple can be retrieved with »getitem«.

Console transcript
range( 20, 30 )
range(20, 30)
tuple( _ )
(20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)

from operator import getitem

print( getitem( _, 0 ))

print( getitem( _, 9 ))
Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( tuple( range( 20, 30 )), 4 )



The individual entries of a tuple also can be retrieved with »getitem«.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( list( range( 20, 30 )), 4 )



The individual entries of a range also can be retrieved with »getitem«.

The range specified in the transcript includes all values between 400000000000000000 (inclusive) and 900000000100000000 (exclusive) that can be obtained by repeatedly adding 321 to 400000000000000000.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( range( 400000000000000000, 900000000100000000, 321 ), 700000 )


The huge range is not manifested, so the program hardly needs any memory! (If you try to manifest the range, the computer might crash).


Some objects also support slices, which can be used to express several entries at once. The arguments of ›slice‹ are: start value (inclusive), top value (=exclusive endvalue) and increment. Negative positions are counted from the end.

Console transcript

from operator import getitem

getitem( 'abcdefghi', slice( 3, 6 ))

getitem( 'abcdefghi', slice( 6, 3, -1 ))
getitem( 'abcdefghi', slice( 2, 8, +2 ))
getitem( 'abcdefghi', slice( 10, , -1 ))

Callables for sequences

Some callables like »choice« are available for all sequences. »choice« randomly selects a value of the range. Again, despite the huge range, only very little memory is needed, because the range does not need to be manifested.

Console transcript

from random import choice

choice( range( 400000000000000000, 900000000100000000, 321 ))


That means: Whenever you want to select an entry at random from any  sequence, you can use »choice« from now on! (It is only for practice purposes  that sometimes you might be asked to use only »random«, and no other name from the random module).

/   Exercise

Write an expression that randomly selects a number between 1 (inclusive) and 6 (inclusive). Use »range« and »choice« for this.

Reversing sequences

tuple( reversed( "beispielsweise" ))
('e', 's', 'i', 'e', 'w', 's', 'l', 'e', 'i', 'p', 's', 'i', 'e', 'b')
tuple( reversed( dir() ))
('__spec__', '__package__', '__name__', '__loader__', '__doc__', '__builtins__', '__annotations__')

Multiparameter lambda expressions

Multiple parameter names (separated by commas) can be used as well. Each individual name may only occur once.

( lambda x, y: x+y )( 7, 2 )
( lambda x, y: x+y )( 'abc', 'def' )


We can separate the calculation rule from the data.

Calculation of a BMI
( lambda mass, height: mass / height ** 2 )( 77, 1.73 )
Calculation of a BMI
( lambda mass, height: mass / height ** 2 )( 78, 1.81 )
Calculation of a BMI
( lambda mass, height: mass / height ** 2 )( 62.6, 1.68 )

Parameter names can be used for labeling.

Calculation of a BMI
( lambda mass, height: mass / height ** 2 )( mass=62.6, height=1.68 )

Repeatable arguments

min‹ can be called with two or more arguments.

min( 9, 8 )
min( 9, 8, 7 )
min( 9, 8, 7, 2 )

»*args« in the proclamation shows that an arbitrary number or arguments is allowed at this place.

Transcript (shortened and revised)
help( min )
Help on built-in function min in module builtins:

min( arg1, arg2, *args ) -> value

It reminds of »...« shown earlier.

Transcript (revised, simplified, shortened)
help( print )
print( value, ... )

Exercises ⃗

/   Exercise ⃗

Write a call to the function »max« with two  arguments, a call with three  arguments, and a call with four  arguments.

Documentation (freely revised)
max( arg1, arg2, *args )
The maximum of the argument values

Reduction of iterables

A reduction combines several values using a two-digit function.

Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, 'ab' )

Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, 'abc' )

Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, 'a' )

Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, '' )

TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value
Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, 'abcdef' )

Console transcript

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, range( 3 ))

reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, range( 5 ))
Console transcript

from functools import reduce

from operator import add

reduce( add, range( 3 ))

reduce( add, range( 5 ))
Another example *

from functools import reduce

reduce( lambda x, y: '(' + x + ',' + y +')', 'abc' )

reduce( lambda x, y: '(' + x + ',' + y +')', 'abcdef' )


/   Exercise

Calculate the product of all natural numbers from 1 (inclusive) to 5 (inclusive) by calling »reduce« with »mul« (multiplication) from the operator module and a suitable call to ›range‹. The result should be «120».


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Copyright 1998-2020 Stefan Ram, Berlin. All rights reserved. This page is a publication by Stefan Ram.