Berechnung von Zufallszahlen in C (Berechnung von Zufallszahlen in C), Lektion, Seite 723639 (Permalink) ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram

Berechnung von Zufallszahlen in C 


#include <stdlib.h>

/* returns a uniformly-distributed integral number i,
with min <= i < top and with a number of rand() calls
that is smaller than a certain small number (like 4)
that depends on top-min and RAND_MAX. */

double number( double min, double top )
{ { double step; do
{ step =( top - min )/( RAND_MAX + 1. );
min = min + rand() * step; top = min + step; }
while( min < top ); } return min; }


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

unsigned int entropy( void )
{ return( unsigned int )( time( 0 )* time( 0 ) + time( 0 ) ); }

int main( void )
{ srand( entropy() * entropy() + entropy() );
srand( ( unsigned int )rand() * entropy() ); rand(); rand(); rand(); }

Lotto mit C 


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

/* returns a uniformly-distributed integral number i,
with min <= i < top. The number of rand() calls is
smaller than a certain small number (like 4) that
depends on top-min and RAND_MAX. */

double number( double min, double top )
{ { double step; do
{ step =( top - min )/( RAND_MAX + 1. );
min = min + rand() * step; top = min + step; }
while( min < top ); } return min; }

double random(){ return number( 0, 1 ); }

void choose
( int const number, int const max, void( * accept )( void *, int ), void * data )
{ /* Based on code by Ben Bacarisse posted to clc in 2014. */
/* The algorithm seems to be: The Art of Computer Programming;
Second Edition; Volume 2 / Seminumerical Algorithms;
3.4.2. Random Sampling and Shuffling;
Algorithm S (Selection sampling technique). */

for( int i = 0, j = 0; j < number; i++ )
{ if( ( max - i )* random() < number - j )
{ accept( data, i ); ++j; }}}

unsigned long entropy( void )
{ unsigned long const t = time( 0 );
return t * t + t / 7; }

void randomize()
{ unsigned long e = entropy();
unsigned long r = rand();
srand( e * e + e ); rand(); rand(); rand();
srand( (( unsigned long )rand() + r )* e + e );
rand(); rand(); rand(); }

void print( void * data, int const i ){ printf( "%d\n", i ); }

int main( void ){ randomize(); choose( 6, 49, print, 0 ); }


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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Diese Seite ist eine Veröffentlichung von Stefan Ram.