Notes regarding Windows system programming (Windows systemprogramming) (Windows System Programming), Notes, Seite 722320 (Permalink) ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram

Windows System Programming

These programs are not perfect, but worked for me. Use on your own risk!

The GNU License GPL (Version 3 or later) applies to all the code published on this page

Duplicate (=Copy) a File to a Generated Filename

For example, »duplicate example.txt« might have the effect of »copy "example.txt" "example (1).txt"« or »copy "example.txt" "example (2).txt"«.


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
_CRTIMP char* __cdecl _itoa (int, char*, int); /* can be removed */

/* To compile as console application under Dev-Cpp */
/* Should also compile under most other C compilers under Windows. */

/* Duplicate - Copies a file to a generated filename.
Copyright (C) 2011 Stefan Ram

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */

int error1( LPCTSTR const argv0 )
{ _tprintf( _T("Error 1: Usage: %s <source file name>\n"), argv0 );
_tprintf( _T("Copies the source file to a generated file name"));
_tprintf( _T("Duplicate Copyright (C) 2011 Stefan Ram"));
_tprintf( _T("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."));
_tprintf( _T("For details see see <>"));
return 1; }

void error2( void )
{ _tprintf( _T("Error 2: Internal failure \"error2\" (lack of memory?).")); }

int error3( void )
{ _tprintf( _T("Error 3: Can't allocate memory for a string buffer."));
return 0; }

int error4( void )
{ _tprintf( _T("Error 4: Integer overflow (all filenames taken).")); return 0; }

int error5()
{ int terminate = 0;
DWORD code = GetLastError();
if( code != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS )
{ if( code == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND )
{ _ftprintf( stderr, _T("File not found.\n")); }
{ _ftprintf
( stderr, _T("Windows error code %#010lx.\n"),( unsigned long )code ); }
terminate = 1; }
return terminate; }

int i = 0;

int tag( LPCTSTR source, LPTSTR target, size_t const size )
{ int result;
_tcscat( target, source );
_tcscat( target, _T(" (") );
{ LPTSTR t = target + _tcslen( target );
// size_t const s = size -( t - target )- 2;
// result = !_itot_s( i, t, s, 10 );
_itot( i, t, 10 ); result = 1; }
if( result )_tcscat( target, _T(")") );
return result; }

int modify1( LPTSTR source, LPTSTR target, size_t const size )
{ *target = 0;
int result;
LPTSTR pos = _tcschr( source, *_T("."));
if( pos )
{ LPTSTR p; while( p = _tcschr( pos + 1, *_T(".")))pos = p;
*pos = 0;
tag( source, target, size );
*pos = *_T(".");
_tcscat( target, pos ); }
{ tag( source, target, size ); }
return result; }

int modify( LPTSTR const source, LPTSTR target, size_t const size )
{ return ++i > 0 ? modify1( source, target, size ): error4(); }

int setup( LPCTSTR const source, LPTSTR * const targetp, size_t * sizep )
{ size_t const len = _tcslen( source ) + 1;
*sizep =( len + sizeof( int )/2 + 10 )* sizeof( TCHAR );
return( *targetp = malloc( *sizep ) )? 1: error3(); }

void release( LPTSTR * const targetp )
{ free( *targetp );
*targetp = 0; }

int filecopy( LPTSTR const target, LPTSTR const source )
{ int const success = CopyFile( source, target, TRUE );
int const terminate = success ? 1 : error5();
return terminate; }

int main2( LPTSTR const target, LPTSTR const source, size_t const size )
{ for( int looping = 1; looping; )
{ if( !modify( source, target, size ))looping = 0; else
if( filecopy( target, source ))looping = 0; }
return 0; }

int main1( LPTSTR const source )
{ LPTSTR target; size_t size;
if( setup( source, &target, &size ))
{ main2( target, source, size );
release( &target ); }
return 0; }

int _tmain( int argc, LPTSTR const argv[] )
{ return argc == 2 ? main1( argv[ 1 ]): error1( argv[ 0 ]); }

Change Registry Settings

This is the classical version of a program that was written by Stefan Ram in 1997 or 1998.


#include <Windows.h>

int main( int argc, char * argv[] ){ int result; HKEY key; /* Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Stefan Ram */
long effect = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, argv[ 2 ], 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &key );
if( !effect ) { long effect = RegSetValueEx( key, argv[ 3 ], 0, REG_SZ, argv[ 4 ], strlen( argv[ 4 ]) + 1 );
if( !effect ) { SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, (LONG)(( LPSTR )argv[ 2 ] )); }} return 0; }

example usage

exereg HKEY_CURRENT_USER "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" "Display Inline Images" "no"


exereg HKEY_CURRENT_USER <key> <entry> <value>


Die Windows-Konsole unterstützt UTF-8 nicht vollständig.

Man kann die Ausgabe in eine Datei umleiten und diese mit einem UTF-8-Editor öffnen.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <wchar.h>

#include <Windows.h>

int main()

{ //C:\Windows\System32\ 65001

UINT oldcp = GetConsoleOutputCP();

if (!SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8))

{ fprintf(stderr, "chcp failed\n");

return EXIT_FAILURE; }

unsigned char utf8data[] =

{ 'H',

0xc3, 0xa4,


0xC2, 0xA2, // "cent"

0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, // "euro"

0xCE, 0xB1, 0xAC, // "alpha"

// 0xF0, 0x90, 0x8D, 0x88, // U+10348


0xc3, 0xb6,



0x00 };

DWORD size=(DWORD)(sizeof(utf8data) / sizeof(*utf8data)) - 1;

DWORD written = 0;

BOOL success = WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), utf8data, size, &written, 0 );

if (!success)


fprintf(stderr, "WriteFile failed\n");







#include <iostream>

#include <ostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cwchar>

#include <windows.h>

int main()

{ //C:\Windows\System32\ 65001

UINT oldcp = GetConsoleOutputCP();

if( !SetConsoleOutputCP( CP_UTF8 )){ ::std::cerr << "chcp failed\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; }

unsigned char utf8data[] = u8"Häl¢€αlö!\n"; // u8 ist nicht nötig, wenn Quelltext schon UTF-8

DWORD size=( DWORD )( sizeof( utf8data )/sizeof( *utf8data )) - 1;

DWORD written = 0;

BOOL success = WriteFile( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), utf8data, size, &written, 0 );

if (!success) { ::std::cerr << "WriteFile failed\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; }

// Enable buffering to prevent VS from chopping up UTF-8 byte sequences

// setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IOFBF, 1000);

::std::cout << utf8data << ::std::endl;

SetConsoleOutputCP( oldcp );

return EXIT_SUCCESS; }




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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Diese Seite ist eine Veröffentlichung von Stefan Ram.