Manual for the Portark translator. [] (The Portark translator), manual, Seite 722251 (Permalink) ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram

The Portark  Translator Manual

This is preliminary documentation for the Portark  translator.

The Portark  translator is not stable software yet.

Portark  is a language to describe and mark up documents, for example, articles.

The Portark  translator will translate a Portark  document into other formats (currently, only XHTML 1.1  is supported).

The Portark  translator requires a Java  runtime environment and a copy of the Java  library ram.jar.

This manual page explains how to use the Portark  translator from the command line.

The Portark command line
java  -cp ram.jar  de.dclj.ram.notation.rendoweb.Rendoweb -source source  -policy policy 
The path to the Java  virtual machine (or an equivalent command word)
The path to the copy of the library file »ram.jar«
The path to the Portark  source document


The path to the Portark  policy document

The result of the translation will be written to standard output.

For example, it is assumed that java  can be »java« and ram.jar  can be »ram.jar«.

Then, the file »« might be prepared with the following input.
< !portark &text id=1 name=sumple title = [Simple]
< &text heading = [Simple]
< [ This is a simple example. ] >>>

The file »« might be prepared with the following input.
< !portark:hytark &policy
robots = noarchive >

The example command line then might be as follows.

The Portark example command line
R\s\Java\jre1.7.0\bin\java.exe -cp \r\s\slr\ram.jar de.dclj.ram.notation.rendoweb.Rendoweb -source -policy >output.html

The execution of the example command line should translate the Portark  source file »« to an HTML  output file »output.html«.

(This manual has not been tested yet. So, it might still contain errors.)

Guidebook for Common Problems

Redirection of Standard Output

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