Spionageklassen in C++ (Spionageklassen in C++), Lektion, Seite 721208
https://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/spionagekonstruktoren_c++ (Permalink) ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram

Spionageklassen in C++ 


#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace ::std::literals;

struct object

{ object()

{ ::std::clog << "constructed\n"; }

{ ::std::clog << "DESTROYED\n"; }

::std::string name; };

int main()
{ ::std::clog << "start\n";

{ object o;

::std::clog << "using\n"; }

::std::clog << "end\n"; }








#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace ::std::literals;

template<typename T>
struct vector : public ::std::vector< T >
{ using ::std::vector< T >::vector;
~vector(){ ::std::clog << "destroying vector\n"s; }};

struct myclass
{ static int counter;
int identity;

myclass() : identity{ ::myclass::counter++ }
{ ::std::clog << "created " <<
this->identity << " from scratch.\n"s; }

myclass( myclass const & other ):
identity{ ::myclass::counter++ }
{ ::std::clog << "created " << this->identity <<
" as a copy of " << other.identity << "\n"s; }

{ ::std::clog << "destroying " <<
this->identity << ".\n"s; }};

int ::myclass::counter = 0;

int main()
{ ::std::clog << "main 0.\n"s; vector< ::myclass > myvec;
myvec.reserve( 9 );
::std::clog << "main 1.\n"s; ::myclass c0;
::std::clog << "main 2.\n"s; ::myclass c1;
::std::clog << "main 3.\n"s; myvec.push_back( c0 );
::std::clog << "main 4.\n"s; myvec.push_back( c1 );
::std::clog << "main 5.\n"s; }

main 0.
main 1.
created 0 from scratch.
main 2.
created 1 from scratch.
main 3.
created 2 as a copy of 0
main 4.
created 3 as a copy of 1
main 5.
destroying 1.
destroying 0.
destroying vector
destroying 2.
destroying 3.

static void escape( void * p )
{ asm volatile( "" : : "g"(p) : "memory" ); }

struct object


void dump()

{ ::std::clog << " to " << static_cast< void * >( this )<< '\n'; }

object( const char * s ): name(s)

{ ::std::clog << "\n### constructing "; dump(); }

object( const object & a ): name(a.name)

{ ::std::clog << "\n### copying "; dump(); }

object( object && a ): name(std::move(a.name))

{ ::std::clog << "\n### moving "; dump(); }

object& operator +=( const object & other )

{ ::std::clog << "\n### appending " << name << ' ' <<
static_cast< void * >( this ) << " + " << other.name <<
' ' << static_cast< void const * >( &other )<< " to " <<
static_cast< void * >( this )<< '\n';

name += other.name;

return *this; }

::std::string name; };

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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Diese Seite ist eine Veröffentlichung von Stefan Ram.