Reguläre Ausdrücke in Python (Reguläre Ausdrücke in Python), Lektion, Seite 724117 (Permalink) ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram

Reguläre Ausdrücke in Python

import re

def lines( source ):
return source.split( "\n" )

def iter( s, p ):
it = re.finditer( p, s )
for m in it:
yield m

def matches( line ):
for m in iter( line, r'(\bADD\b)' ):
yield m

def show( line, match ):
print( line[ 0: match.start( 0 )], end = '(' )
print( line[ match.start( 0 ): match.end( 0 )], end = ')' )
print( line[ match.end( 0 ): len( line )])

source = "ADD R1, R2\nADD3 R4, R5, R6\nADD.MOV R1, R2, [0x10]\n"

for line in lines( source ):
for match in matches( line ):
show( line, match )

(ADD) R1, R2
(ADD).MOV R1, R2, [0x10]

import re

def iter( s, p ):
it = re.finditer( p, s )
for m in it:
yield m.groups()[ 0 ]

for s in iter( 'a=x,a=y,a=z', 'a=(.)' ):
print( s )

import re
s = open( "tmp.txt" ).read()
pattern = "(http[0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,.!/()=?`*;:_{}\[\]\\|~%^-]*?jpg)"
it = re.finditer( pattern, s )
seen = set()
for m in it:
u = m.groups()[ 0 ]
if not u in seen:
print( f'"{u}",' )
seen.add( u )

# section: a regular expression for balanced terms

# using ideas probably developed by "user3489112"

balanced = \

r"[^()]*?(?:\(" * 18 + \

r"[^()]*?" + \

r"\)[^()]*?)*?" * 18

import re

print( re.sub( r':(\w+)', r'${\1}', "abc :def ghi :jkl mno" ))

abc ${def} ghi ${jkl} mno

import re

match = re.sub( r'a.*b', 'a222222b', re.DOTALL) # searches first occurence, "." matches newlines

print( match ) # prints a summary of the match

print( ) # prints the full text of the match

<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 8), match='a222222b'>
s = re.sub( r'(\d+[+\-*/]\d+)', lambda x:str(eval(, s )

import re

import builtins

import _sre

source = '''\

<p>Viel Text +1 234 555 6789 Viel Text

<p>Viel Text +1 234 555 6789 Viel Text

<p>Viel Text +1 234 555 6789 Viel Text


def hyperlink_of( text:str, reference :str )-> str:

assert( type( text ) == str )

assert( type( reference ) == str )

result = f'<a href="{reference}">{text}</a>'

assert( type( result ) == str )

return result

def matchobject_formatted_as_telephone_number( matchobject ):

telephone_number = 0 )

telephone_number_without_spaces = telephone_number.replace( ' ', '' )

return hyperlink_of \
( text = ' ' + telephone_number,
reference = 'tel:' + telephone_number_without_spaces )

pattern_for_telephone_number = '\+[ 0-9]*[0-9]'

result = re.sub( pattern_for_telephone_number, matchobject_formatted_as_telephone_number, source )

print( result )

<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>
<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>
<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>

<p>Viel Text <a href="tel:+12345556789"> +1 234 555 6789</a> Viel Text

<p>Viel Text <a href="tel:+12345556789"> +1 234 555 6789</a> Viel Text

<p>Viel Text <a href="tel:+12345556789"> +1 234 555 6789</a> Viel Text

import re

def iter( s, p ):

it = re.finditer( p, s )

for m in it:

yield m.groups()[ 0 ]

# ...

for s in iter( sourcetext, r'<a href="example/([^"]*)">example</a>' ):

example( s )


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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Diese Seite ist eine Veröffentlichung von Stefan Ram.