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About the product "ram.jar" [] (ram.jar Homepage), product page, page 722021
https://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/ram-jar (permalink) is the canonical URI of this page.
Stefan Ram

ram.jar  Homepage

ram.jar  is a library for Java 1.6  licensed under the GPL  written by Stefan Ram .

Download  (distribution; including a jar -file, documentation and source code, might be older  than the above documentation)
Online API-specification with links to online-source code
Direct link to a the jar file
ram.jar does not have a version numbering, instead the versions are identified by their release date.

ram.jar does not depend on any other libraries, only on the Java Standard Edition.

The current status is “alpha”, i.e., ram.jar  is considered to be in an early, experimental, unstable, and incomplete state with many bugs and errors.

>722020 incomplete Feature List, including links to tutorials and specifications
>722019 Installation tutorial
>722112ram.jar  stability policy

License for the library (GPL, the GNU  general public license Version 2)
Direct link to a recent jar file (this might be a more recent  build than the one contained the distribution)
Release History
2006-06-06  2 alpha All classes written so far have been released as part of the distribution and a framework for revision and distribution has been created. Therefore, the state has been changed to “alpha”.
2006-02-26  2 pre-alpha The Filode  encoder is included, again.
2006-02-13  1 pre-alpha The library only contains very few type declarations, Filode  is missing.
2004-09-09  0 pre-alpha The library includes a Filode  encoder.

Reddit   |   About this page, Impressum  |   Form for messages to the publisher regarding this page  |   "ram@zedat.fu-berlin.de" (without the quotation marks) is the email-address of Stefan Ram.   |   Beginning at the start page often more information about the topics of this page can be found. (A link to the start page appears at the very top of this page.)  |   Copyright 2004 Stefan Ram, Berlin. All rights reserved. This page is a publication by Stefan Ram. slrprd, PbclevtugFgrsnaEnz