[] (Portark), tutorial, Seite 721996
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Stefan Ram

Portark  Tutorial

Portark  is a text markup language based on Unotal.

>721707Unotal  is a syntactical framework for markup languages

Simple Text

A room with the type »text« can contain a string »abc«.

A text
< &text abc >

Such a text room is used to represent a text in Portark.

According to the Unotal rules, strings can be enclosed with brackets, so the string can also be written as »[abc]«.

A text
< &text [abc] >


A subroom of a text that has no type is a paragraph.

A paragraph might directly contain text literals, which are being considered to be concatenated in the given order to give the text of the paragraph.

A text with two paragraphs, both with the text »abc«.
< &text
< a bc >
< abc >>
A paragraph with the text »ab c« can be formed using quoted strings.
< [a bc] >
A simple string within a text room also is considered to be a paragraph. So the first example can also be written as follows. A text with two paragraphs, both with the text »abc«.
< &text
< a bc >
abc >


A subroom of a paragraph is considered to be a span item.

A paragraph with a span »< &new set >«, indicating a new term
< &text
< [A ]< &new set >[ is a collection of elements.] >>

A span can be used to annotate a part of the paragraph's text with a type or attributes.

A paragraph contains a sequence of span items.


Texts can be nested so as to express the subtext relationship.

An article with two paragraphs and then two subtexts
< &text
< def ghi >
< &text ... >
< &text ... >>

A text contains a sequence of text items, and a text item is a paragraph or another text room.


Texts can have headings.

A text with a heading
< &text heading = Example ... >


A complete article, book  or another outermost container is also considered to be a text.

An article or book
< &text ... >

Sections of such a container can be created by nesting inner text rooms inside of such an outer text room.


The outermost container (like an article  or a book ) can have a title.

An article with two subtexts
< &text title = Example ... >

An outermost container might have a heading, too, but this is usually ignored.

Combination of Articles

Inner texts can have titles, too, but such titles are usually ignored.

Thus, one can simply include articles into a new outermost container to form a book, without the requirement to remove the title from the articles.



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