Ein einfacher Makroprozessor in Python (Ein einfacher Makroprozessor in Python), article, Seite 724101
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Stefan Ram

Ein einfacher Makroprozessor in Python 

techyle = \
{ 'uae': { 'type': 'markup', 'meaning': 'emphasized' }}

techyle_html = \
{ 'uae': { 'pre': '<em>', 'post': '</em>' }}

source = """\
This is `uae:text with `uae:markup``. Is this `uae:cool` or what?

position = 0;

def at( n ):
if n >= len( source ): return chr( 0 )
else: return source[ n ]

def getnextch():
global position
if position >= len( source ): return chr( 0 )
else: position += 1; return source[ position - 1 ]

def emit( text ):
print( end=text )

def check_open():
"""is this an opening of markup?"""
global position
# print( '[', at( position ), at( position + 3 ), ']' )
if( at( position )== 'u' and at( position + 3 )== ':' ):
result = source[ position:position+3 ]
position += 4
return result
else: return None

def check_text():
"""is this a text reference?"""
# not yet implemented!
return None

def pretext( code ):
return techyle_html[ code ][ 'pre' ];

def posttext( code ):
return techyle_html[ code ][ 'post' ];

stack = []

def push( text ):
stack.append( text )

def pop():
return stack.pop()

looping = True
while looping:
ch = getnextch()
if ch == chr( 0 ): break
if ch != '`': emit( ch )
type = check_open()
if type:
text = check_text()
if text:
emit( pretext( type ))
push( posttext( type ))
emit( pop() )
  File "main.py", line 2

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This is text with `uae:markup`.

The tag »uae« means "emphasized". It is applied to the word

"markup" using the pattern: `tag:...`. All tags have three

letters and start with »u«.

Now, I will answer a few questions:

Q: How do you include a literal backquote in the text?

A: Probably there will be an extension later with

something like `utx:gravis` for this. This will create

one »`« in the output. So if you like to manually markup text

with a lot of backquotes, this language is not for you.

Q: Are the patterns intended to be nestable?

A: Yes, but this was not tested yet.

Q: How do you diagnose errors?

A: The first version does not emit diagnostics or

recovery for errors in the source code. If there are

mark-up errors in the source, it has undefined behavior.

Q: What do you mean by "implementation" of a markup


A: A translator that translates the language to at

least one other markup language. The first implementation

translates to HTML. So, for the input:

This is text with `uae:markup`. Is this cool or what?

it outputs:

This is text with <em>markup</em>. Is this cool or what?

And here is the source code (written in 35 minutes):

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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Diese Seite ist eine Veröffentlichung von Stefan Ram.