A manual for the Hytark-To-HTML application. [] (hytark-to-html_manual), manual, Seite 722258
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Stefan Ram

Hytark -To-HTML Manual

The Hytark -To-HTML Converter will convert a Hytark  document to an HTML document.

It can be called via the command line Call .

Call 〉 ::=
java path 
-cp ' 〈ram.jar path 
-in ' 〈source path 〉.
java path 〉 ::=
〈~path to Sun's Java machine or compatible 〉.
ram.jar 〉 ::=
〈~path to the library »ram.jar« 〉.
source path 〉 ::=
〈~path to the Hytark source file 〉.
Example calls are given below.
An example Call
java -cp ram.jar de.dclj.ram.notation.html.Html -in source.htk

Output is written to the standard output (console or file via shell redirection).

An example Call
java -cp ram.jar de.dclj.ram.notation.html.Html -in source.htk >output.html

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Der Urheber dieses Textes ist Stefan Ram. Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten.