Große Listen in C++ [] (Große Listen in C++), Lektion, page 722686 (permalink) is the canonical URI of this page.
Stefan Ram

Große Zahlenlisten in C++ 

Teilnehmerfrage: Wie kann man Zahlenlisten mit Milliarden von Zahlen in C++  verarbeiten?

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <deque>
#include <locale>
#include <iomanip> int main()
{ struct with_grouping : ::std::numpunct< char >
{ protected:
virtual char do_thousands_sep () const override { return '.'; }
virtual ::std::string do_grouping () const override { return "\03\03"; }};
with_grouping with_grouping{};
::std::cout.imbue( ::std::locale( ::std::cout.getloc(), &with_grouping ) ) ;
::std::deque< char >d; unsigned long long l;
try{ for( l = 0;; ++l )d.push_back( 0 ); }
catch( ... ){ ::std::cout << "l = " << l << "\n"; }}
l = 2.044.339.711
#include <iostream> /* ::std::cerr            */
#include <ostream> /* << */
#include <new> /* ::std::set_new_handler */
#include <deque> /* ::std::deque */
#include <cstddef> /* ::std::abort */ unsigned long long l = -1; void f(){ ::std::cerr << l << '\n'; ::std::abort(); } int main(){ ::std::set_new_handler( f );
::std::deque< char >d; for( l = 0;; ++l )d.push_back( 0 ); }

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Copyright 1998-2014 Stefan Ram, Berlin. All rights reserved. This page is a publication by Stefan Ram.