[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Examples of the notation "Unotal" [] (Examples of Units written in Unotal ), Examples, page 721719
http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/unotal_examples_en (canonical URI).
Stefan Ram

Unotal  Examples

Example A Simple Configuration File

< user = [jane myers] 
pass = [moaJi71Amx] 
host = [network_pc] 
home = [/home/jane] 
last = [2003-09-07] >

Example A Configuration File

The following file is not  a Unotal  file. It is listed here as a source for the following translation to Unotal.


The information from the file above can be written as follows using Unotal .

While the brackets are not required around the section names in Unotal  in the cases below, the might used to make the Unotal  representation look similar to the ini-file above.

< [Project] = 
< FileName=[C:\dev\Schalter.dev] 
Icon=[C:\PROGRAMS\DEV-C++\Bin\Mainicon.ico] >
[Unit2] = 
< FileName=[C:\dev\Switch.h] 
FileTime=761047318 >
[Unit3] = 
< FileName=[C:\dev\Client.cpp] >
[Unit1] = 
< FileName=[C:\dev\Switch.cpp] >>

Example A Database Table

persons = 
< 0 = < &person name = [peter] phone = [1234567] ) 
1 = < &person name = [mary] phone = [9876543] ) 
2 = < &person name = [frank] phone = [4329876] ) 
3 = < &person name = [alice] phone = [7463957] ) 
4 = < &person name = [andrew] phone = [8328839] )>

When the format is fixed and known, a shorter representation is possible.

< < mary   9876543 > 
< frank 4329876 > 
< alice 7463957 > 
< andrew 8328839 >>

Example An XHTML  Anchor

An XHTML  anchor.

<a href="http://example.com">example.com</a>

This can be written as in listing "anchor.unotal".

< &a href=[http://example.com] [example.com] >

A more free interpretation might look as follows.

< &anchor target=[http://example.com] text=[example.com] >

Example XML -Attributes and XML -Subelements

The distinction between XML -attributes and XML -subelements can be preserved, when an XML -element is converted to Unotal.

<alpha beta="gamma"><beta>gamma</beta></alpha>

< &alpha beta=gamma < &beta gamma >>

<alpha beta="gamma"><beta>gamma</beta><beta>gamma</beta></alpha>

< &alpha beta=gamma < &beta gamma >< &beta gamma >>

A Unotal -entry converted from an XML -element can be converted back to an XML -element again.

Example An XHTML  Element

A simple XHTML  element.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 
<head><title>Virtual Library</title></head> 
<body><p>Moved to <a href="http://example.org/">example.org</a>.</p></body> 

This is converted to Unotal  as follows.

< &html xmlns=[http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml] xml:lang=en lang=en 
head =< title=[Virtual Library] > 
body =< &p [Moved to ] <&a href=[http://example.org] [example.org] > [.] >>

One can see that several types of parentheses (braces, brackets, angle brackets) are used in the Unotal  representation. This is so, because Unotal  has finer semantics than XML, so that two XML  structure types (elements and attributes) are mapped to more Unotal structure types.

In Unotal, attributes might be structured like element contents in XML. This allows to write the head and body properties of the XHTML -element as attributes. In XHTML  one is forced to write them as subelements, because they need to be structured.

The above Unotal  space can not be converted to an XML  directly, because the structured attributes can not be expressed as XHTML -elements. A special XML -writer is in internal use, which will accepts the following syntax and converts properties written with a tilde to XHTML -subelements.

An XHTML -document written in Unotal-X
< &xml

  .xmldecl = [version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"]

  .doctype = [html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"]

  html -

  < xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"

    head - < title - [Virtual Library] >

    body - < &p [Moved to ]
< &a href=[http://vlib.org/] [vlib.org] > [.] >>

(The Wreboc -specification is using this notation to create a draft document.)

Example A Program

The following is an arbitrary example for a Unotal-based programming language. A programming language based on Unotal, however, might also look completely different than the following example.

< &program 
name = listintegers 
description = [this program prints the integers from 0 to 9] 
< &var i integer > 
< &loop start=< &set i 0 > while=< &isless i 10 > < &print i >>>

This Unotal  program might look as follows when written in Pascal.

listintegers( Input, Output ); 
{ this program prints the integers from 0 to 9 } 
VAR i: Integer; BEGIN  
i := 0 ; WHILE  
i < 10 DO  
WriteLn( i ); END.

Example A LISP-List

( alpha beta gamma )

The application of the first entry "alpha" to the rest, it is written in Unotal  as in "list1.unotal".

< &alpha beta gamma >

Example A quoted LISP-List

'( alpha beta gamma )

If the list is meant to be a (quoted) sequence, it is written as in "list2.unotal".

< alpha beta gamma >

Example An Expression

sin( 4 + 2 x )

This might be written in Unotal  as follows.

< &sin < &plus 4 < &times 2 x >>>

Infix-notation is possible as well, as long as one also keeps the angle brackets. Because in Unotal  the type of a room is marked by an ampersand "&", it can be positioned freely within the room.

< &sin < 4 &plus < 2 &times x >>>


< < 4 < 2 x  &times > &plus> &sin >

The room "expression.unotal", the room "expression1.unotal", and the room "expression2.unotal" have the same meaning in Unotal, because the position of the type has no significance.

Example RSS 3.0

document in RSS 3.0
title: Spec Introduced
created: 2002-09-06
guid: 00795648-C1E0-11D6-9AA6-003065F376B6
The spec was introduced to the world. 
A few people noticed.

document in Unotal
< &rss3d0
title=[Spec Introduced]
description=< &a:text 
< &a:paragraph [The spec was introduced to the world.]> 
< &a:paragraph [A few people noticed.]>>>

Example SDL

The term “SDL” here refers to the “Simple Data Language” of the project “HiveMind”.

Here, some information is given in XML, SDL and Unotal.

The following schema written in XML  was taken from the URI "http://jakarta.apache.org/hivemind/sdl.html" as of 2004-05-21.

A Schema in XML

      <element name="processor">


         <attribute name="name" required="true"/>

         <attribute name="service-id" required="true" translator="service"/>

         <attribute name="before"/>

         <attribute name="after"/>


         <conversion class="some.module.PipelineContribution">

           <map property="controlService" attribute="service-id"/>





The following translation to SDL  was taken from the URI "http://jakarta.apache.org/hivemind/sdl.html" as of 2004-05-21.

A Schema in SDL


      element (name=processor)


        attribute (name=name required=true)

        attribute (name=service-id required=true)

        attribute (name=before)

        attribute (name=after)


        conversion (class=some.module.PipelineContribution)


          map (property=controlService attribute=service-id translator=service)




The following text is the translation of the above XML document to Unotal. Notice how the structured attribute values of Unotal  allow to write "attribute (name=after)" as "after = < &attribute >".

A Schema in Unotal
< &schema 

  processor = < &element

    name       = < &attribute required=true >
service-id = < &attribute required=true translator=service >
before = < &attribute >
after = < &attribute > < &conversion class=some.module.PipelineContribution
< &map property=controlService attribute=service-id >>>>

Example HUTN

The following example of HUTN  was taken from the Human-UsableTextual Notation (HUTN) Specification (December 2002 Final Adopted Specification ptc/02-12-01).

A family description in HUTN
Family “The McDonalds” {

   address: “7 Main Street”


   familyFriends: “The Smiths”

   petFish: female Fish “Wanda”;

   petDog: “Spike”

   CarOwnership: “755-BDL” {

      state: QLD

      make: “Mitsubishi Magna”

      year: 1992



The translation to Unotal  is done somewhat freely, doing things as they might be done in Unotal.

A family definition in Unotal
< [The McDonalds] =

  < &family &definition

    address  = [7 Main Street] 

    migrants = true

    friend   = < &family &reference [The Smiths] >

    pet      = 
{ < &fish &description name=Wanda sex=female >
< &dog &description name=Spike >} car = < &car &description 755-BDL state=QLD make=[Mitsubishi Magna] year=1992 >>>

Example PHP Arrays-Reports

PHP  prints arrays using the function "print_r" in a way somewhat similar to Unotal, because it looks like using structured attributes. In the special example below the array even does have a “body attribute” (as used by some Unotal -implementations to store the body of a room). It also uses the brackets for some strings similar to Unotal.

An array report by PHP


    [code] => 200

    [headers] => Array


            [Connection] => close

            [Content-Length] => 51


    [body] => Invalid Document Format 

An array report in Unotal
< code = 200

  headers = 

  < Connection = close

    Content-Length = 51 >

  body = [Invalid Document Format] >

About this page, Impressum  |   Form for messages to the publisher regarding this page  |   "ram@zedat.fu-berlin.de" (without the quotation marks) is the email-address of Stefan Ram.   |   Beginning at the start page often more information about the topics of this page can be found. (A link to the start page appears at the very top of this page.)  |   Copyright 2004 Stefan Ram, Berlin. All rights reserved. This page is a publication by Stefan Ram. slrprd, PbclevtugFgrsnaEnz