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A comparison of Unotal and YAML [] (Unotal compared to YAML), report, page 721954
http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/unotal_compared_to_yaml (canonical URI).
Stefan Ram

Unotal  compared to YAML 

List Notation

Here is a YAML ™ dictionary.

minutes spent: 

 - 1.02

 - 1.34

 - 0.7

 - 0.89

 - 0.94

Such a list can be expressed in Unotal  as follows. The name "minutes spent" needs to be written in brackets, because it contains a blank character.

Unotal  example 
[minutes spent]=
< 1.02
0.94 >

In YAML ™, a reader not well educated in the language might mistake the positive numbers for negative numbers, because they are preceded by a minus sign. This phenomenon does not appear in Unotal.

When the YAML ™ dictionary is to be written in a single line, a different  notation needs to be used. Instead of preceding the entries with a minus sign, they now need to be separated by a comma.

YAML ™, 1
minutes spent: [1.02, 1.34, 0.7, 0.89, 0.94]

In Unotal, the same  notation as for the multi line list can still be used: As before, the values are separated by white space.

Unotal   example, 1
[minutes spent]=< 1.02 1.34 0.7 0.89 0.94 >

In Unotal, formatting is free, so new lines can be started everywhere, where a white space is admissible.

Unotal  example, 2
[minutes spent]=
< 1.02 1.34 0.7
0.89 0.94 >

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