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Specification of the language "Garpagal". [] (Garpagal specification), Specification, Seite 721925
http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/garpagal ist die kanonische URI dieser Seite.
Stefan Ram



Web pages of the project Garnoo  are to be created from the database Garnoose.

Direct generation of Web pages
.------------------.                    .------------------.
| database | page generator | Web pages |
| Garnoose |------------------->| (e.g., in XHTML) |
| | | |
'------------------' '------------------'

However, it was decided not  to create the Web pages by the page-generator directly.

Instead, the page generator "build.pl" writes files in a special intermediate language Garpagal. The name Garpagal  was named to abbreviate something like “Garnoo page generator language ”.

Indirect generation of Web pages
.--------------.             .--------------.             .--------------.
| database | build.pl | pages | garpagal.pl | Web pages |
| Garnoose |------------>| in Garpagal |------------>| |
| | | (Unotal) | | |
'--------------' '--------------' '--------------'

Thus, the page generator was separated from the “XHTML  renderer” (i.e., the program rendering the information to an XHTML  representation).

Advantages of this approach are:

A base language for such an intermediate language could be XML. But because of problems with XML  being described elsewhere the data language Unotal  (developed by Stefan Ram ) was used instead. The XHTML  renderer uses support modules for Unotal, which can read a Unotal  file into a data structure. The modules and scripts are unpublished software in pre-alpha state and will be published later.


The Garpagal  file for the entry "n:base:~description~" as created from the database. (This file might be a historic version, i.e., not the one used for the following XHTML  file.)
The XHTML  file for the entry "n:base:~description~" as created from the above file.
An example arrow, saying “the earth is a planet.”
earth --------------> planet
Here an arrow is shown. The arrow has the name "arrow22". It has the relation "isa". It has the source "earth". It has the target "planet".
A constructed example of a Garpagal  page representing the relation "isa"
< &entry name=[isa] relset=< &relset
< &relarrow arrow=[arrow22]
source=[earth] target=[planet]>>>
A constructed example of a Garpagal  page representing an isa-arrow
< &entry name=[arrow22]
relation=[isa] source=[earth] target=[planet]>
A constructed example of a Garpagal  page representing the physical entity earth
< &entry name=[earth]
outset =< &outset
< &outarrow arrow=[arrow22]
relation=[isa] target=[planet]>>>
A constructed example of a Garpagal  page representing the concept planet
< &entry name=[planet]
incset =< &inset
< &incarrow arrow=[arrow22]
relation=[isa] source=[earth]>>>
A constructed example of a Garpagal  page representing the namespace island
< &entry name=[island]
entries=< &entryset [island:java]>>

Detailed Description of Garpagal 

As Garpagal  is an application of Unotal, its Syntax is that of Unotal  and does not have to be described here. Only the meaning of space type names and their attributes needs to be given:

Type "entry"

A space of type "entry" describes an entry, usually the entry this page describes.

Attributes of the Type "entry"

The name of the entry.
The data (text) of this entry. The data specifies information specific to this entry.
The outset (outgoing set) of the entry. This is the set of all outgoing arrows starting at this entry.
The relset (relation set) of the entry. This is the set of all arrows with this entry as their relation.
The incset (incoming set) of the entry. This is the set of all incoming arrows ending at this entry.
The entry set of the entry. This is the set of all entries with this entry as their namespace.

Type "outset"

An outset (outgoing set) is a set of arrows starting at an entry. It contains a sequence of outarrows (spaces of the type "outarrow").

Type "relset"

A relset (relation set) is a set of arrows having this entry as their relation. It contains a sequence of relarrows (spaces of the type "relarrow").

Type "inset"

An inset (incoming set) is a set of arrows having this entry as their end point. Actually, this should be renamed to "incset" to be consistent with the name of the attribute "incset". It contains a sequence of incarrows (spaces of the type "incarrow").

Type "entryset"

An space of type "entryset" (entry set) is a set of entries having this entry as their namespace. (internal note: a bug in the script "build.pl" marks the value of the attribute "entries" as the type "inset" [false] and not as the type "entryset" [correct].)

An entry set contains the names (string literals) of its entries directly as its body sequence. E.g., the entryset "< &entryset [e:a] [e:b]>".

Type "outarrow"

An outarrow (outgoing arrow) is an arrow starting at a specific entry.

Attributes of the Type "outarrow"

The arrow starts at the entry specified by the context of this outarrow space (at the super space of the outset it is contained in, i.e., the super space of its super space).

It may have the attributes listed under “Common Attributes of the Type "outarrow", the Type "relarrow" and the Type "inarrow" ” and the following attributes.

The target entry of this arrow. This is the entry the arrow is directed to.
The relation of this outarrow. The relation specifies the meaning of this outarrow.

Type "relarrow"

A relarrow (relation arrow) is an arrow having a specific entry as its relation.

Attributes of the Type "relarrow"

The arrow has as its relation the entry specified by the context of this relarrow space (the super space of the relset it is contained in, i.e., the super space of its super space).

It may have the attributes listed under “Common Attributes of the Type "outarrow", the Type "relarrow" and the Type "inarrow" ” and the following attributes.

The source entry of this arrow. This is the entry the arrow is starting at.
The target entry of this arrow. This is the entry the arrow is directed to. The arrow starts at the entry specified by the context of this outarrow space (at the super space of its outset, i.e., the super space of its super space).

Type "incarrow"

An incarrow (incoming arrow) is an arrow ending at a specific entry.

Attributes of the Type "incarrow"

The arrow has its ending at the entry specified by the context of this incarrow space (the super space of the incset it is contained in, i.e., the super space of its super space).

It may have the attributes listed under “Common Attributes of the Type "outarrow", the Type "relarrow" and the Type "inarrow" ” and the following attributes.

The relation of this outarrow. The relation specifies the meaning of this outarrow.
The target entry of this arrow. This is the entry the arrow is directed to. The arrow starts at the entry specified by the context of this outarrow space (at the super space of its outset, i.e., the super space of its super space).

Common Attributes of the Type "outarrow", the Type "relarrow" and the Type "inarrow"

The name of this outarrow.
The data (text) of this outarrow. The data specifies information specific to this arrow.

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