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Filode-tutorial [] (Filode-tutorial), lesson, page 722016
http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/filode-tutorial (canonical URI).
Stefan Ram

Filode  Tutorial

Filode  can be used to create a filename from an arbitrary text.

For example, one might want to save a Usenet -message to a file using the message-ID as the filename.

A message-ID

A message-ID, however, might contain characters that are not permitted within a filename. For example, some file systems might not allow the character "." to be contained within a filename, or it might be allowed but has some special meaning.

Filode  specifies a representation for every Unicode character that uses only uppercase Latin letters from the letter "A" to the letter "Z" and digits from the digit "0" to the digit "9".

A Filode -representation of a message-ID

Some parts of the Filode -representation remained readable and the Filode -representation is somewhat longer than the message-ID.

Another application might be a descriptive Text for a file.

A descriptive text for a file
Notes as of 2004-08-19 (HTML, XHTML; Java)

A descriptive text for a file might contain characters that are not allowed as part of a filename. The Representation-representation than can be used to obtain a test, that can be used as a filename.

A Filode -representation of a descriptive Text

A filename named by the Filode -representation of the description might be viewed with a Filode -enabled browser, which shows the descriptive text.

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