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Contributing to the Tcl/Tk Core

There are many ways to contribute to Tcl/Tk core development. You don't have to be a C programmer, and you don't have to invest a lot of time. The most important thing is that you want to help.

What Needs to Be Done

Write Documentation

Although the existing documentation for the Tcl/Tk core is good and fairly complete, there is always room for improvement. We need documentation for Tcl/Tk commands, C API's, and "Tcl Internals" design documents on topics such as the bytecode compiler and the Tcl parser. If you notice an error in any documentation, report it as a bug and submit a patch to correct the error!

Report Bugs

If you find a bug in the Tcl/Tk core, report it! Before reporting a bug, you should query the bug database to make sure the bug has not already been submitted. You can submit a bug report here. A good bug report includes the following information:
Synopsis of the bug
The synopsis is the human readable reference to a bug report; humans don't attach much meaning to bug number. This synopsis should be a short answer to the questions, "How does an end-user recognize the bug? How does the defect manifest itself?"
Setup information
This should list how things were setup before the steps to reproduce are followed. Version of the product, build environment, operating system and version, and similar information should be included.
Steps to reproduce the bug
This should be a list of clear, complete, and concise steps to reproduce the bug. There is a fine balance between too much information, just the right amount of information, and too little information. The goal is that there is enough information to reproduce the bug 100% of the time, and no red herrings when trying to resolve the bug.
Expected result
After following the steps to reproduce the bug, what was the expected result? It is the failure to meet this expectation that creates a bug report. However, the expectation may be wrong.
Actual result
If the expected result is correct, then whatever actually happens is a bug. The expected result needs to be as clear, complete, and concise as the steps to reproduce; it is the strongest lead to the underlying defect. If the bug results in a core dump, say so; if possible, include a core backtrace from the point of failure.
Additional information
Commonsense dictates that there may be additional information that is relevant to the bug, but that doesn't fall into the neat categories listed above. Include it as a note.

Submit Enhancement Requests

If there's a feature that you would really think should be part of Tcl or Tk, submit a Request For Enhancement (RFE) report. Before you actually submit the report, you should post a Request For Comments (RFC) on comp.lang.tcl so that other community members can help evaluate your feature request. This will also give community members an opportunity to direct you to existing extensions that provide the feature you want; or to help in the development of the new feature. Once your feature request has passed peer review within the community, submit it via the bug report form.

Fix Bugs

If there's a bug that you really want to see fixed, go ahead and fix it! Make a patch and submit it in a bug report. The best patches are both correct and complete. What makes a good patch good?

Implement Enhancements

If there's a feature that you really want to see implemented, feel free to implement it yourself. Make a patch and submit it in a Request For Enhancement (RFE) report. RFE patches should be correct and complete, and should not introduce any new bugs. What makes a good patch good?

What makes a good patch good?

Good patches share two features: correctness and completeness.

The patch should fix the bug it is trying to fix, or implement the feature it is intended to implement. But it is equally important that the patch does not introduce new bugs. The Tcl/Tk core test suite provides a good way to verify that your patch has not introduced new bugs. While developing your patch, and once it is completed, you should run the entire core test suite on at least one of three supported platforms (Unix, Macintosh, and Windows) to verify that your patch has not introduced new bugs.

If your patch is intended to fix a bug, you should create a test case that exposes the bug before writing the fix. Then use that test case to verify that the bug is in fact fixed by your patch.

A complete code patch has three components: code, tests, and documentation. Ideally, it includes code to fix the bug or implement the feature on each of the three supported platforms (Unix, Macintosh, and Windows). Of course, not everybody has access to development environments on all of these platforms. Don't let this discourage you from submitting patches; just submit code for as many platforms as you can.

Besides the source code itself, the patch should include new test cases for the Tcl/Tk core test suite. These tests should exercise every line of the new code. You can read the Tcl Style Guide for information about writing tests, and you can look at the Tcl/Tk core test suite tests for examples of how to write tests using the tcltest package.

Finally, the patch should include documentation. If the patch is a bug fix, there may not be any new documentation, although you should be sure that the documentation is still accurate and up-to-date with respect to the code patch. If the patch is an enhancement patch, there should be new documentation explaining the use of the new feature, restrictions of the implementation, and any other relevant information.

Remember, the more of these components that you provide, the faster your patch can be integrated with the Tcl/Tk core itself.

In addition, C code should adhere to the C Style Guide coding standard; Tcl code should adhere to the Tcl Style Guide coding standard. If possible, patches should be created using the utility diff, as in diff -u originalFile newFile. Patches submitted in this format are much easier to work with and apply. diff is a standard utility on UNIX-based systems, and versions are available for Windows as well.