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Unotal [] (Unotal), homepage, page 721707
https://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/unotal_en (permalink) is the canonical URI of this page.
Stefan Ram


Unotal  is a syntactical framework similar to, e.g., XML. To someone who knows XML, Unotal  can be described as a variant of XML , where elements are called “rooms”, room types are prefixed by an ampersand "&", rooms do not need to have end-tags, and attribute values might be structured just as element contents can be structured in XML. A room might have multiple types or no type, and an attribute name might have multiple values. Strings with special characters are written between brackets "[]" in Unotal, while Strings made only of letters do not require brackets.

Here is a simple example of a Unotal  room:

A Unotal  room
< &lesson lang=en title=Unotal
< &paragraph
[Unotal is a syntactical framework. ] >>

General Articles about Unotal

>721951Unotal  in 50 seconds
>721719Unotal  Examples


Specification of the Unotal -Syntax

Unotal  Implementations

>722005Junotal  — The Java  implementation of Unotal

Unotal  Applications

>722069Joodo  (an chores manager in Java  using Unotal as its file format.)
>721925Garpagal  (an internal application of Unotal )
>721968Writing XML  with Unotal  (the converter itself is not yet published)
>721956 bookmark management with Unomarks  (this now has been integrated into Garnoo)

Other Data Languages

>721993Unotal  compared to S-expressions
>721954Unotal  compared to YAML 
>721970Representation of data with XML

Special Topics

>721977 The meaning of attributes in Unotal-R  (obsolete, needs a revision)

Articles in German Language

>721961Unotal  in 50 Sekunden
>721971 Datendarstellung mit XML
>721992Unotal  verglichen mit S-Ausdrücken


In 2005, Sebastian Biallas  and Stefan Reuther  provided helpful remarks regarding the escape sequences in Unotal string literals.

The blame for any mistakes is still Stefan Rams  alone

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