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The Junotal system - an implementation of Unotal for the programming language Java. [] (Java Unotal), Representation, page 722005
https://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/junotal (permalink) is the canonical URI of this page.
Stefan Ram


Unotal  is a language for structured information (like S-expressions, XML, YAML, or JSON ), that can be used for configuration files, documents, maps/lists, or markup and programming languages.

JUnotal  is a Java  library to read, access and write Unotal  expression. Parse results are directly accessible via standard interfaces such as java.util.Map  and java.util.List.

JUnotal  tutorial
A tutorial for Junotal.
A Java  library implementing Junotal.
The home page for the Unotal  notation.


Some projects use Junotal, but are not published yet.

An HTML-like language.
A DocBook -like language.
A chores manager.


This is the fourth release of Junotal in 2007 after a release in 2004, 2005, and 2006.

This is an experimental (alpha) release. The code is not covered by unit tests, pre- and postconditions, complete documentation, complete error handling and similar features of mature software. All names and locations of packages and types are instable and might be subject to change.

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